Palm Sunday at SMLC was blessed by the beautiful voices of our children. A special thank you to the Children’s Ministry for organizing the event.
May Book Club Meeting
The next book for our club meeting will be “Killing Jesus” by Bill O’ Reilly. The next meeting will be on Friday, May 16th at the home of Johanne and AD Graham.
Easter Sunday Schedule of Activities
7:30 Easter Sunrise Service with Communion Join us in worship as we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord with special music including trumpet, tympani percussion, and choir. 9:00 Breakfast Breakfast will be served by the youth of the congregation. Proceeds will go towards the 2016 National LCMS Youth Gathering. 9:45 Easter Craft and Activities All …
Easter Eggs Needed
Please donate plastic, filled eggs (any size) for the egg hunts on Easter. Eggs may be filled with small toys, stickers, wrapped candy, money (max $.25 per egg). No chocolate please (it melts). Eggs may be placed in the basket in the Fellowship Hall.
Altar Guild “Cleaning Day”
On Saturday, April 5 at 9:30 a.m., the Altar Guild will be holding a “Cleaning Day.” Help from any and all members of the congregation would be appreciated. We will be cleaning and polishing the communion ware and the sanctuary in preparation for Easter. Please consider lending a hand.
Lenten Worship Schedule
There will be Lenten Services each Wednesday from March 5-April 9 at 11:00 a.m. (potluck luncheon to follow) and 7:00 p.m.
Chili Cook off 2014
We had a great time at the 2014 SMLC Chili Cook Off! There were so many choices! Thank you to everyone who participated!
Chili Cook-Off 2014
The youth of St. Matthew will again support this program by sponsoring a door offering to benefit Covenant House on Sunday, February 2- Super Bowl Sunday. You may also place an offering in your envelope on any Sunday through February 2. Make sure your checks are payable to St. Matthew Lutheran Church, but designate it …
Building to Begin!
The Trustees have scheduled the foundation repair and the remodeling of the front of the church to begin in January. Be on the lookout at some point soon that the front entrance to the church will be temporarily closed and we will need to enter from the side of the building.
2014 Altar Flower Chart
The 2014 Altar Flower Chart is located on the bulletin board on the right as you enter the Fellowship Hall from the main office area. Dates are currently wide open, but please sign up soon to get the dates you want!