
St. Matthew Weekend Camping Retreat 2022

The next St. Matthew Weekend Camping Retreat is scheduled for October 7-9 at Huntsville State Park. This will include a Sunday morning worship service and community meal beside the lake at Raven Lodge (a different place from last year). For those who would like to join us in camping overnight, the five-month window for advance …

Children's Ministry Easter Special Services

Easter at St. Matthew Lutheran 2021

Dear St. Matthew Family, As we have come to mark a year of adjusting to the limitations of this pandemic, I would like to thank you for your faith, perseverance and fortitude. We have been so blessed to have been able to continue worship virtually and even grow as a congregation during this time. I …


VBS 2018

July 21 – 22, 2018St. Matthew Lutheran Church Children 3 years old (must be potty-trained) through 5th gradeFREE! Saturday, July 21  9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Sunday, July 22  9:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. (includes a family lunch) Shipwrecked: Venture onto an uncharted island where kids survive and thrive. Anchor kids in the truth that …


Easter Sunday

Come join us for Easter Sunday, where we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from death and the tomb! Festivities start at 8:00am and continue through the morning. Be sure to check out the schedule below and bring your happiest face and most joyful shouts!

Special Services

Graduation Sunday

Do you have a Graduate? If someone in your family is graduating from High School, College, or Grad School last Fall or this Spring, please let your elder or the church office know by Sunday, May 20 so that we can include them in our Graduate Recognition on Sunday, May 2

Children's Ministry

Children’s Choir

Children’s Choir The Children’s Choir led by Shelly Bettenhausen will be singing during worship services this Spring!  Mark your calendars for May 13 (Mother’s Day). Rehearsals will continue at the normal 9:30 a.m. Sunday School meeting time in the Chapel on Sunday mornings.  All are welcome!  Invite your friends!    

What's New?

Financial Peace University

Class held at St. Matthew Starting Sunday 06/10/2018 @7:00PM in Club Room.  Class lasts 8 weeks. Please contact Paul Born for more information.