Schedule Change

Schedule Change

Beginning Sunday, December 7, we will have only ONE worship service on Sundays beginning at 10:00 a.m.  We will return to our regular schedule on January 4, 2015

Altar Flowers

Altar Flowers

The 2015 Altar Flower schedule is available near the office. Please sign up to sponsor the altar flowers in the coming year.

Spring Lunch and Garden Lecture

Spring Lunch and Garden Lecture

This Sunday, May 4th,  we will be having a Spring Lunch and Garden Lecture.  The featured speaker is Matt Raney, a local garden expert. The MORE board will be serving lunch.  Everyone is encouraged to attend for fun and fellowship! (Freewill offering)

Building to Begin!

Building to Begin!

The Trustees have scheduled the foundation repair and the remodeling of the front of the church to begin in January. Be on the lookout at some point soon that the front entrance to the church will be temporarily closed and we will need to enter from the side of the building.

2014 Altar Flower Chart

2014 Altar Flower Chart

  The 2014 Altar Flower Chart is located on the bulletin board on the right as you enter the Fellowship Hall from the main office area. Dates are currently wide open, but please sign up soon to get the dates you want!

Service Times

Service Times

    On Sunday, January 5th we will go back to our regular Sunday schedule: 8:000 a.m. service, 9:30 a.m. Sunday School/Bible Study, and 10:45 a.m. service. We are looking forward to seeing you in the new year!

2014 Altar Flower Chart

2014 Altar Flower Chart

The 2014 Altar Flower Chart is located on the bulletin board on the right as you enter the Fellowship Hall from the main office area.  Please sign up for the dates you want!