A Bible study directed towards college students and young professionals will meet October 23rd at 8 PM to 9 PM (classes will be held every 2 weeks). The topic of the lesson is knowing what our religion means in today’s world. In “One God, many gods” Christianity and 14 other religious faiths are examined …
Hear Ye! Hear Ye! New Adult Sunday School Class Starting!
Do you know the six chief parts of the Lutheran Christian doctrine? Do you know how many sacraments that the Lutheran Church practices? Have you wondered if the Ten Commandments still apply to us today? If you would like to discuss and learn the answers to these and many other questions concerning the teachings of …
Weird Animal VBS Takes Shape
The stage is set for a great (and WEIRD!) 2014 Vacation Bible School. We are so excited to see you all and share in the fun! Don’t forget that we are working for Water to Thrive!
Confirmation Sunday
Confirmation Sunday will be Sunday, May 18th at 10:45 a.m. A reception for our new confirmands will be held immediately following the 10:45 a.m. service.
Spring Lunch and Garden Lecture
This Sunday, May 4th, we will be having a Spring Lunch and Garden Lecture. The featured speaker is Matt Raney, a local garden expert. The MORE board will be serving lunch. Everyone is encouraged to attend for fun and fellowship! (Freewill offering)
Palm Sunday 2014
Palm Sunday at SMLC was blessed by the beautiful voices of our children. A special thank you to the Children’s Ministry for organizing the event.
May Book Club Meeting
The next book for our club meeting will be “Killing Jesus” by Bill O’ Reilly. The next meeting will be on Friday, May 16th at the home of Johanne and AD Graham.
Easter Sunday Schedule of Activities
7:30 Easter Sunrise Service with Communion Join us in worship as we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord with special music including trumpet, tympani percussion, and choir. 9:00 Breakfast Breakfast will be served by the youth of the congregation. Proceeds will go towards the 2016 National LCMS Youth Gathering. 9:45 Easter Craft and Activities All …
Easter Eggs Needed
Please donate plastic, filled eggs (any size) for the egg hunts on Easter. Eggs may be filled with small toys, stickers, wrapped candy, money (max $.25 per egg). No chocolate please (it melts). Eggs may be placed in the basket in the Fellowship Hall.